Friday, January 21, 2011

midwestern mofo at yale.

I'm thinking of possibly starting another blog.

I wanna call it: Midwestern Mofo At Yale. The premise will be for me to discuss things that go on at school that I think is totally cray.

Example: Vegan Meatballs.

Okay vegans of Yale. I totes get that you want just as much variety in your pasta selections as us carnivores. But lemme pose you a question. If you like meatballs so damn much why did you decide to give that shit up?! Instead, you're making us poor protein enthusiasts suffer. Because vegan meatballs are actually disgusting. No other way of saying it. All I can say is that eating those was a more scaring experience than that time I accidentally chugged down maggots in my hawt chocolate. Ruminate on that vegans of Yale. Maggots.

Vegan meatballs need to gtfo of our meals. Vegan meatballs should not exist.

Why should vegan meatballs get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his imitation-but-really-soy feet? Hm? Meat meatballs are just as cute as vegan meatballs, okay, meat meatballs are just as smart as vegan meatballs. People totally like meat meatballs just as much as they like vegan meatballs (probs more, let's be honest). And when did it become okay for one type of meatball to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that's not what a balanced diet is about! We should totally STAB VEGAN MEATBALLS! AND THEN NOT EAT THEM!

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