Sunday, February 20, 2011


Tom from 500 Days of Summer, Dwight Schrute and the crazy homegirl from Black Swan? Together? Mashed up? In one movie? With fire and punching and old ladies in glasses and supermarket clerks in glasses and bicycles and kids on two wheelers and car kicking? No, no this is TOO GOOD to be happening!!!!!!! Literally, I'm about to throw up from utter giddiness!

If anything this movie just serves as confirmation for my theory that 2012 is going to happen, not due to natural disaster or terrorism or ancient Mayan curses, but rather, due to this giant, totally dope supernova explosion of really really really excellent things happening in the next two years. Like this movie. And the 2012 Olympics in London. And the seventh Harry Potter movie. And Justin Bieber finally embracing his legality on March 1st, 2012. . .hehhehehe, in the naughtiest, creepiest way. Baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh :) Oh, too far? My apologies, may I fall into a quicksand trap in the Amazon and be stuck there forever and petrified like some kind of crazy sexy humanoid rock plant.

But anyways, here is the trailer for a new indie move coming out called Hesher:

I understand if you're too blown away to read what I write next, but let's notice the real star of the movie. It's not Natalie Portman. It's not J. G. Levitt. It's not Rainn Wilson. It's the totally sexy, totally delicious, totally saliva-inducing hair. Such extraordinary lusciousness takes me back to:

If my 2012 theory holds true, Hanson will make a comeback in the next 2 years. And. . .well. . .my theories are always true. I knew Britney would be the one who would bring dubstep into The States. I knew it. (View below to see what I'm talking about)

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