But then again, probably you have nothing better to do except, you know, avoiding doing things that people tell you that you should do. Fuck the man, amirite?!?!?
So today, I was reading an article about mini moguls who became mini moguls by literally fucking the system and going to college and not concentrating on college, but rather by doing things cooler than college (besides your traditional beer bonging and flip cupping), aka creating Facebook or something else bitchin like that.
Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook and atendee of Harvard University, has a 24% share in Facebook and makes 4 billion dollars? WHAT THE FUCK?! Marky Mark betta watch out for all the hunnies who have their shovels ready for a tiddlywink of gold digging.
In defense of gold diggers though: I feel like they get a lot of shit, when, in reality what are they doing other than exactly what economists tell us to do in order to create a perfect free market system? They specialize in the trade that they happen to be best at. Or, as Mrs. Jay-Z (Beyonce, for all those pop culture handicapped--it's okay I still like you. . .sorta) puts it, "If you got it, flaunt it; boy I know you want it." I mean I'm sure gold diggers put as much time and effort into looking like a proper trophy wife as say, Steve Jobs does into creating the next iWhatever. It's like, we can't have everything right? Like obviously Steve Jobs doesn't give a fuck what he looks like, thus his black turtleneck and jeans. But on the other hand, he's a totally brillz tech mogul. So I mean, it's a totally fair tradeoff--you're only given so much that you can work, so you can choose to put that work into aesthetics or into brains and you gotta kinda pick and choose. Unless you're Elle Woods, but you are totally not Elle Woods.
But back to my original point: I wanna become a mothafuckin mogul you guys. It's gonna happen. Maybe.
But really I'm only saying this because I'm like 4 chapters behind on econ reading, and this is a better excuse than laziness, ya know?
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