1. The Perfect Use Of A Semi Colon
Sophomore year of English, semi-colons were like the three-headed dog to my Harry Potter. I had no idea how to tackle them and they were basically enigmas. But then dear Mr. Reeder (and I use the "dear" very loosely, not because I disliked him, but mainly because he just seems too rigid to be dear) taught me how to use semi-colons (a la Hagrid, the flute and Fluffy). Since then, whenever I spot a perfect position for it, I always use it. Although sometimes I do doubt whether I use it right. But it's whatever. It's just one of those things that, however rarely it is used, when it is used, you feel Einstein-caliber when using it. And it's always good when you feel smart. . .
PS type of thing: Because many people in the English-speaking world are too uninformed about grammar and that kinda shat, people refer to the semi-colon as "endangered," which makes it even more sexy. It's like the cheetah of the language world. Sex-ay! Haha, are you totally not seeing an English teacher woo the apple of his eye with his use of semi-colons? Cause I totally am.
2. The Moment When Traffic Lights Turn From Normal To Blinking
You know what I'm talking about, right? There's one point at night (typically it's at 10 pm in the 'burbs) when minor intersection traffic lights stop directing traffic and instead flash yellow and red (depending on the light). I had never seen the exact moment when normal changed to blinking up until a few weeks ago in my best friend's car. We were going off to Buffalo Wild Wings. The night air was perfect--ya know, cool, crisp, non-humid (so our hurr wouldn't frizz and shiz), yet still distinctly scented with summer. The timing was beautiful--10 pm was rolling around the clock and I told her to slow down a little so we could catch that magical moment. And then all the traffic lights went through their patterns (even left turn signals that usually don't light up unless someone is waiting to go), and then the blinking started. It was crazy. Ke$ha (she kind of looks like John Travolta, think about it) was playing in the background. It was a sign of a good summer to come. I say it was a great kick off to summer.
3. Documentary Music
Gah, I love documentary music. I say this and people are like "What the fuck." But in all seriousness, if you think about it, documentaries seriously have the most poignant, inspiring music. Case in point: I took my mom to go watch the documentary "Babies" over Mother's Day weekend and here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vupEpNjCuY . And the music in that trailer is beautiful. It's Sufjan Stevens "The Perpetual Self or, 'What Would Saul Alinsky Do?'" here's a link to the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiOYMHgCQe0 . Lovely! And then my friend made a short film that is brilliant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOcNZ_0OvPc and the music in that is beautiful, too. It's called "The Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine. . link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TwqE2X55Wg . Kinda indie (I hate labels, but they get the point across. But really, WHAT IS INDIE?!) but kinda suh-weet. Documentary music, think about it.
4. The Term "Cabrewing"
It means drinking and canoeing, something that doesn't interest me, but still. Pure genius.
5. Writing Shit Down In Your Phone
Thanks to the combined advice of a distinguished alumni from my high school (you guys, he invented TurboTax!) and a screenplay-writing, tennis-pro friend, I've started using my phone as a notebook to record down ideas/fuckin hilarious goings-on/quotes. It's seriously the best thing ever because shat I would normally forget and never remember again gets completely remembered. I guess you could say it's kinda like the movie "The Notebook" minus, ya know, Ryan Gosling and the romance!
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